

Jesse Felder – The Market Impacts Of The Fed’s Balance Sheet Unwind Is Not Just Focused On The Bond Market

October 11, 2023

Jesse Felder, Editor of The Felder Report joins us to discuss how the Fed’s continued unwind of its balance sheet is impacting markets. Most people are focused on the Fed rate hikes but just as impactful to markets is the unwind of the balance sheet.


We start with the impact on the bond market and related spike in interest rates. This carries over to the USD and if the dollar has put in a top. For the markets Jesse is watching the rollover in big tech and this upcoming earnings season. to wrap up we ask about the gold breakdown and how Jesse views the set up into year end.



Click here to visit The Felder Report website to keep up to date on what Jesse is writing about.

    Oct 11, 2023 11:43 PM

    Miners Seek Partners For Copper Assets As M&A Heats Up

    Reuters | October 11, 2023

    “A flurry of copper mining deals are being lined up for the next six to 12 months, industry sources said, as producers seek to spread the soaring cost of new projects for the metal key to the energy transition.”

    “The capital needed to develop new mines has shot up some 50% to between $3 billion-$4 billion on average in recent years, fuelled by declining ore grades, stricter environmental requirements and rising labor costs.”

    “Copper producers increasingly want to share the risk and costs of projects, and the sector has already seen a jump in M&A activity, which more than doubled year-on-year to $14.24 billion in 2022.”

    Oct 12, 2023 12:57 AM

    Here’s a novel idea for raising capital: end the phony paper price setting of the Comex and LBMA. How about have a cost based pricing system. Also, stop stock price intervention. There you go … no need for corporate partners.

      Oct 12, 2023 12:29 AM

      Sounds to me like Corporate “partners” are undermining capitalism and possibly stealing share holder investments. Now if they want to participate by buying finished goods at a fair price or or buy legitimately priced shares …. Maybe.

    Oct 12, 2023 12:43 AM

    CPI today from the alternate universe and it was bad for metals.
    (We will see as the initial “hit” is getting some opposition)