

Weekend Show – Joe Mazumdar & Josef Schachter – Opportunities In Metals & Energy Equities: Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil and Nat Gas

January 25, 2025


Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! This week’s show is for all of you investing in resource stocks. We focus first on metals stocks and key investment themes from the majors and mid-tiers. The back half of the show is all about oil and natural gas opportunities. 


Please go back through our website ( and Podcast (  to listen to all our market commentary and company interviews. 


We hope you all have a great weekend!


  • Segment 1 & 2 – Joe Mazumdar, Editor of Exploration Insights joins us to discuss investing in various metals, from major companies to development and exploration projects. We focus on major mining companies, M&A, project financing, and development. We also discuss retail investor impacts, critical minerals, and overall market health. Key insights include the role of mid-tiers for M&A.
  • Click here to visit the Exploration Insights website to follow along with Joe. 


  • Segment 3 and 4 – Josef Schachter, Founder and Editor of the Schachter Energy Report, wraps up the show focusing on the oil and natural gas markets. Key highlights include analysis of oil and natural gas price fluctuations, the effect of government policies on drilling activities, potential future production increases, the role of U.S.-Canada energy trade, and recommendations for investing in energy stocks and dividend-paying companies.
  • Click here to learn more about The Schachter Energy Report



Joe Mazumdar
Josef Schachter
    Jan 25, 2025 25:08 AM

    Please,,,,DO NOT FORGET TO SET THE >>>>>>>ORPHAN SECTION………….. thanks OOTB..

      Jan 25, 2025 25:38 AM

      Jerry …. For the life of me , i can not understand why they cant set the two at the same time .

        Jan 25, 2025 25:45 AM


          Jan 25, 2025 25:05 PM

          Three posts here Jerry and Irish that have zero value at all.

            Jan 25, 2025 25:33 PM

            Were is your value post ?

            Jan 25, 2025 25:12 PM

            Brumple….grumpy…. We were here before you ever thought about the mining section..,,,
            Beside , … my first post was to remind someone to open the ORPHAN SECTION….

      Jan 25, 2025 25:50 PM

      Hi there OOTB and Irish T. I’m not sure why the Weekend Politics page wasn’t set up when Cory posted the Weekend Show, but I just went up and created it – so there is a fresh slate to share ideas upon.


        Jan 25, 2025 25:18 PM

        THANKS………. EX……….
        Looking forward to your substack

          Jan 25, 2025 25:22 PM

          Thanks OOTB!

    Jan 25, 2025 25:06 PM

    Hello to all,

    Including Irish and Jerry.

    Going to respond to wolfs post in response to mine a day ago.

    Good to hear from you Glen. I honestly am one of the ones who capitulated on holding silver miners for now. Look to get back in when some signs of volume return to the jrs.
    As for the real estate market. None of those cracks are showing up in Toronto. I’m at the point where I’m turning away work from clients kids and friends kids who are now home owners as well.
    As for it being the “greater depression” let’s have a big recession first not just a mild one.

    I’m sorry to hear you capitulated. It’s never to late currently to get in in them.

    Regarding none of those cracks are showing up in toronto I would argue that my stats are actually facts from toronto Realstate board known as trreb. There stating that from the peak of the average home in toronto which was in Jan/feb 2022 toronto average home price have dropped almost 18% that is not chump change. This amounts to a loss of 222,000 from its peak. We know one thing whoever bought in the last 3 years even 5 years I would argue even 8-12 years for the ones who remortgage are or are going to be in hot water.

    I’m not sure if you’re a builder or a realtor yourself but the average house hold dominates the market and as she goes the top will also come down at its due given time. I would assume the friends you have are very similar to mine and also have conversations that use to consist of Soccer and training and weightlifting and different programs to now conversations have gone to property taxes, inflation, tomatoes, being costly. They’re all talking about how everything is expensive and we are talking about the same price category of salaries that range between 100 K to 250 K per year. . Some of these higher income, earning people run their own businesses some have employees up to 50 or 100 but most of them sell to the average person hence the average home owner and if those people are struggling, they’re not gonna buy their products you add in tariffs or just inflation on its own And I wouldn’t doubt them starting to layoff employees just to survive or stay afloat. I have a father who works in the container. Business was doing very well now he’s got to sell his business and it’s not looking really good.

    I’m really not looking at this as a mild recession for me all the signs I see point to the average person being in big debt and big trouble. Moving in with in laws or moving into parents home etc this is classic reason you will see an access of condo and apartment rental properties and even home start to drop their prices.

    I’ve been in Canada for 43 years and why do I think k this is the big one? The inflation first and foremost which is relentless. The feel and vibe and the air in the room just tells you. Like I said when the hamptons are cutting back and scaling down in there bmw and Mercedes to more affordable points to reasons.

      Jan 25, 2025 25:43 PM

      Hi Glen ….. IMO . The housing market is way over priced , & is due for a fall . The value of propertys are set by estate agents , who overvalue said propertys , in order to earn a higher commission. … CROOKS.

        Jan 25, 2025 25:50 PM

        Value is not set by agents, it is set by people ponying up with the money to buy property.

        Jan 25, 2025 25:37 PM

        The real estate agents are the small-time crooks. The Big Crooks are the rich people who got on board and borrowed heavily when the Fed was printing money and practically giving it away with artificially low interest rates. They bought multiple homes and buildings with this money and made off like bandits. The little guy never had a chance. That is what drove up prices. DT

          Jan 25, 2025 25:40 PM

          Right you are Dick. Low interest rates made the last ten years a great time to be rich. Huge housing bubble created as a result.

    Jan 25, 2025 25:42 PM

    Hello Glen…….. thanks for the follow up…… can I say that Brummy…..

    Jan 25, 2025 25:51 PM

    Gold Moves Closer to All-Time Highs into Fed Week

    David Erfle – Friday January 24, 2025

    Jan 25, 2025 25:00 PM

    Kicking Off 2025 With The Resource Conferences In Vancouver – Part 1 (MIF)

    Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz (01-22-2025)

    Jan 25, 2025 25:48 PM
    NatGas : Storage Report Dump : Friday Reversal (Temporary?)

    Jan 25, 2025 25:04 PM

    Good one from Arjun. Timely.

    Greater Focus on Power and Natural Gas

    As promised, we return this week with our Top 10 Tactical Questions for 2025. While the major topic areas we focused on in 2024 remain the same—(1) macro; (2) geopolitics & policy; (3) sub-sector outlooks; and (4) M&A—there is a greater focus on both the power and natural gas value chains than in the past. ~ Arjun Murti

    Jan 26, 2025 26:02 AM

    A couple of bitcoin miners to own to along with silver stocks. IREN, WULF

    Jan 26, 2025 26:03 AM
    Jan 26, 2025 26:41 AM

    Hey Glen. I’m fully aware that prices peaked but that still doesn’t mean it’s necessarily leading to a crash. The recent rate cuts have saved many people’s bacon. They say over the next 2 yrs 50% of fixed rate mortgagers will be renewing. Had rates stayed where they were at after the latest rate increases there may have been big issues. I’m surprised you say this is the worst you’ve seen it in 43 yrs in Canada. I still remember when rates hit 20% and my exFIL had to cash in his rrsp to lower the mortgage amount to where he still qualified. With all the immigration over the past few yrs supply is still not meeting demand especially in the big cities where there’s no more empty lots. And it isn’t just the upper class that’s helping their kids get into the housing market. I know many middle to upper middle class homeowners who have no mortgage and used their home equity to help their children buy a home.

    As far as conversations changing to affordability in my circles it hasn’t really happened yet. And as far as my fellow construction workers not being able to afford homes that DT mentioned. Also incorrect. Difference is expectations. We all buy fixer uppers not turnkey houses. We do each other favors to get Reno’s done and are willing to have tenants in finished basements.

    I’ve had 6% rates as my turning point level. Once we get to rates being consistently over 6% we will start to see cracks if household debts remain where they are.

    Interesting to see that Trump ended all EV subsidies and then immediately set up an AI one instead. Doesn’t matter where it goes it all means copper deficits in coming yrs.

    As for Trumps tariffs DT. I’m really interested to see what he does cuz despite his claims that US doesn’t need anything from Canada that’s an utter fallacy. Where is all the heavy oil in the US??? All the US refineries are built for heavy oil. And where is all the nickel supplies in the US??? There’s one mine in the entire country and its reserves are almost completely depleted. Put a 25% tariff on those commodities and it will just push them to be sold to other countries as time passes.

    On the investing side I’m loving being overweighted in Magna. I will admit I’m looking forward to when I’ve sold some Magna over $2+ and beyond so I can start buying some other plays again. Still like uranium going forward. Watching for sentiment to change in gold/silver jr plays. Still believe in super bull for commodities so yes I’m not in the depression/major recession camp.

    Long ramble. Think I skipped half of what I was going to say so will add more thoughts as they come back to me. I usually have an Ex like essay in my head after walking the dogs but only get 1/2 down at best.

      Jan 26, 2025 26:26 AM

      I don’t know whether you noticed Wolfster that Trump was in negotiations with Venezuela, Trump says he doesn’t need our energy (heavy oil) but Venezuela has more than we do. I suspect he is working on a deal with them. Venezuela has huge tar sands and oilfields bigger than Canada’s.

      On another front Trump wants to bring car production back home, Mexico and Canada export a lot of assembled cars to the US. Hence the need for 25% tariffs which are designed to hit our auto plants and Mexico’s really hard. I think the Americans realized how dependent Germany had become on them after the Nordstream pipelines were destroyed. German industry is packing up and going to the US where the energy is cheap.

      In Canada we have a lot of oil and natural gas, but our present government didn’t allow us to build pipelines or gas liquification plants for the last ten years to ship our product to Europe. Our biggest and almost only market is the US. If Trump buys Venezuelan heavy crude he doesn’t need Canada. (TIP- HE HAS SAID HE DOESN”T NEED OUR ENERGY) I think he sees another source which you haven’t factored in. We will be at a huge disadvantage if the tariffs go on and he gets heavy oil elsewhere. Another source for heavy oil is Iran but that card isn’t being presently discussed but these days diplomacy can turn on a dime especially when you have a President who understands business. There are a lot of moving parts you haven’t factored in yet.

      Another factor you haven’t figured out Wolfster is we have weak leadership; Trump can smell weakness ten thousand miles away. A man who spent his life developing real estate in New York and working alongside the mafia and surviving is a formidable force, so when you take into the bigger picture of what I have mentioned you can see that the horizon is much bigger than you understand. DT

        Jan 26, 2025 26:11 AM

        The bargaining deal with Venezuela, take back the illegals you sent us from your prisons and mental institutions, or we will use force and/or you can comply and send us heavy crude and we will pay you instead of the Canadians with The US dollar. Trump then gets it both ways, we lose our energy export market and our auto plants. We become the new Germany totally dependent on America until we can get pipelines and gas liquefication plants built to ship our product overseas and revitalize our economy. Isn’t life wonderful, you must always look beyond yourself whether you are a nation or an individual. If you play the markets that should be second nature. LOL!!!!! DT

          Jan 26, 2025 26:44 AM

          Guess I need to keep up with the flip flopping Trumpster. Last I heard about Venezuela would be last mondays headline.

          Trump says will likely stop buying oil from Venezuela

            Jan 26, 2025 26:18 PM

            Even if we lose 10-30% of our heavy oil exports to Venezuela or another country that will be a big blow for our economy. Maybe you could give us an update on The Honda plant in Alliston if the tariffs go through that is something you must have up to-date information on. DT

      Jan 26, 2025 26:34 PM

      It’s all about oil, all the way back to Pearl Harbor.

      Jan 27, 2025 27:31 AM


      Yes I’m fully aware of the 20% Interest rate high actually Scotia bank was on record with a 22.75% fixed rates way back then in the 1981 era. I would have been 3 years old back then but forward to 1990-1992 era and I’m more familiar at that time with bank of Canada policy rate set at 16% high and banks 18-20plus % mortgage rates.

      I have been here 43 years meant the air im breathing and what I’m seeing and atmosphere overall point very similiar trends that we are headed there. Does not take a wizard to pull up a historical rate chart and see the lows are in and it’s been a steadily increase in the up move direction bank rates are now headed Into the 6% plus level level with third party lenders even higher. That’s even if you qualify which now less people are. We won’t need 20% as you suggested 6% plus is your number before cracks. I’ve been seeing cracks for over two years now. You just don’t hear about it and when you do it’s to late the system goes and many can’t sell there home at even break point.

      As for not enough inventory I would argue I’m seeing zombie condos left and right halted and I’m seeing constructions sites halted and all kinds of incentives to get people to buy. Issue is all the immigrants led by the Indian/punjabi community have no intentions of buying since we estimate 4-5 million plus student work visas which many have expired and student study permits many of go have dropped out are now all waiting for pr cards illegally with a mandate of new prime minister to deport. This community and others are the ones mainly living in basements in all of Brampton/missisaiga toronto apartments and condos 8 at a time. The corrupt system or faulty system led to people purchasing several homes with little down and doing it as a business. However many of those students can’t pay anymore and are without jobs illegally I can confirm and now landlords are taking a hit. Mr Sandeep can’t keep the homes afloat. There is plenty of inventory the question you should be asking is there in no affordable inventory and price will drop to make that happen. Historically it always has because inflation is up the ying yang. Maybe not for you but it is for the average person which makes up 80% or more of the economy and is the main driver.

      It’s all about affordability and rates will come down slightly only to disappoint and revert to its now established bull trend imo.

      Either way good talking difference of opinions is fine. I do agree that 6% is a killer

    Jan 26, 2025 26:49 AM

    Is this a major bottom in Intel? Matthew- if you’re out there, I’d love to hear from you.

      Jan 26, 2025 26:00 AM

      I am glad to see The Glenster back and posting!

      I do miss Matthew’s posting. Maybe with his time away, he’s realizing how much energy he’s saving by not presenting his thoughts and chartings. We really do appreciate it though.

        Jan 26, 2025 26:45 AM

        Yes. Definitely miss Matthew and his charts.

        Jan 26, 2025 26:23 PM

        Canuckski, you can reach out to Ex he has Matthew’s e-mail address; Ex can then get in touch with him to find out if he wants to communicate with anyone on this board. I know Glen had been e-mailing him in the past. There are ways to try and communicate. DT

          Jan 26, 2025 26:40 PM

          Thanks for the suggestion DT.
          I figure that Matthew is taking some well-deserved time away for some relaxation / separation from the gaggle of forum members here.

            Jan 27, 2025 27:43 AM

            No one is forcing anyone to read anything….. 🙂

            Gaggle is a noun that means a group of geese when they are not flying, or a group of people who are noisy or disorganized……….. LMAO……

    Jan 27, 2025 27:00 AM

    Nvidia looks like it could be in for a big stock “DUMP” this morning! The flood waters have been building up for quite some time, the dam is under stress! If Nvidia goes so will the whole tech sector! DT

      Jan 27, 2025 27:48 AM

      Nvidia is now at $119.62 down exactly $23 or 24.5 x 23 = $563.5 Billion US. Nvidia was way overpriced, but DEEPSEEK has given it the DEEPDIVE. The question is can the market recover!!! OH! OH! DT

        Jan 27, 2025 27:08 PM

        DT – Stan Harley called a general market top on December 4th, and a bit later that it would be a rolling top. Today he finalized his call on Larry Pesavento’s show. He thinks it could last about 40 months. BDC

    Jan 27, 2025 27:52 AM

    The Chinese have come out with “DEEPSEEK” a lower cost alternative to The US systems. This looks to be a big disrupter for AI data centers.

    DeepSeek, which by Monday had overtaken U.S. rival ChatGPT in terms of downloads on the Apple Store, offers the prospect of a viable, cheaper AI alternative which has raised questions about the sustainability of the level of spending and investment on AI by Western companies, including Apple and Microsoft.

      Jan 27, 2025 27:38 AM

      We covered that a couple of days ago in the ORPHAN SECTION

      OOTB Jerry
      Jan 24, 2025 24:42 AM
      China’s DeepSeek released an opensource model
      Moreover, you can even download it and run it free (FREE IS GOOD, maybe if used for good)

      The model shows there are different ways to train foundational AI models that offer up the same results with much less cost.

      Chinese have overturned the applecart leaving western elites with a problem they might not be able to fix………….ELITE CONTROL at danger…. Bizo may have to sell his boat.. lol

      “between 2003 and 2007, the US led in 60 of the 64 technologies.” Whereas, as of 2022, “China led in 52 of the 64 technologies.” That’s not a competition; that’s a beat-down in a parking lot.

      Thanks to heads up by 321gold and SF…….

        Jan 27, 2025 27:17 AM

        Liang Wenfeng, the Chinese guy who started DeepSeek, initially looking for ways that AI can help select stocks. This could all lead to an increase in Chinese stock market participation and increase in stock prices.

    Jan 27, 2025 27:32 AM

    Re-entered 1st of 3 entries in AYASF @ $7.60