Barton Gold – Introduction To This Advanced Gold Explorer And Developer In South Australia
Alex Scanlon, Managing Director and CEO of Barton Gold (ASX: BGD) (OTCQB:BGDFF), joins me for a comprehensive introduction to this South Australian gold exploration and development company with 1.38 million gold ounces in a JORC Mineral Resource. The Company has 2 key advanced brownfields exploration projects, Tarcoola and Tunkillia, both of which have a pathway towards development over the next few years in a 2-stage process, and we get into some of the key metrics on both projects, as well as the exploration upside. Additionally, Barton Gold maintains 100% ownership of the only regional gold mill in the central Gawler Craton of South Australia, giving them a huge leg up on moving the Tarcoola deposit into production in 2026 as part of the Stage 1 opportunity.
- If you have any questions for Alex about Barton Gold, then please email me at
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