

Posts Tagged: yen
Marc Chandler, Managing Partner at Bannockburn Global ForEx and Editor of the Marc To Market website joins us to discuss recent economic data from...
Fri 28 Jun, 2024
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Marc Chandler discusses the moves in global currencies, recent US economic data for GDP growth and the PCE inflation metrics, commodities inflows, wage growth, corporate profits, and how this all...
Fri 26 Apr, 2024
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Episode 3 focuses on the Pivot Party and potential aftermath of central bank policies from the Fed, to ECB, to BOE, to BOJ, interest rates, general US equities, currencies, oil, copper, gold, and a...
Mon 18 Dec, 2023
Ed Moya, Senior Market Analyst at OANDA joins us to focus on the currency markets while tying in China’s struggling real estate market and...
Mon 14 Aug, 2023
Marc Chandler with a detailed review of market expectations and reactions to the Fed meeting earlier this week, ongoing banking concerns, and a flee to safe...
Fri 24 Mar, 2023
Marc Chandler with a recap of the US Dollar and other currencies, central bank policies, commodities, and China's...
Fri 18 Nov, 2022
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Craig Hemke reviews the rally we’ve seen in the PMs and markets on Friday, due to the invention in the Yen from the Bank of...
Fri 21 Oct, 2022
Marc Chandler recaps this week's market moves, todays jobs number, central bank interventions, and...
Fri 7 Oct, 2022
John Rubino with a wide-ranging discussion on the Credit Suisse banking concerns, ramifications of central banks tightening into high inflation, housing market pain, and what interest rate levels...
Mon 3 Oct, 2022
More yen

John Rubino – Inflation, Fed Policy, Housing Market, US Dollar Vs Euro, German Bailouts, Precious Metals, And Nuclear Power

John Rubino with a wide-ranging discussion on the health of the global economy, Fed policy, the housing market, the strong US dollar, the weak Euro and European economy, precious metals, and nuclear power as a solution to the global energy crisis. 

Wed 14 Sep, 2022

Weekend Show – Commodity Spikes, Currency Volatility and Precious Metals – Recapping The Week And Looking Ahead

  On this Weekend’s Show we focus on the spike in commodities prices. We gather a couple differing opinions on what’s driving these prices higher,…

Sat 12 Mar, 2022

The inflation narrative and move toward growth can also been seen in the currency market

Marc Chandler, Managing Partner at Bannockburn Global ForEx joins me for a look into the currency markets to compare how current trends are following the…

Fri 19 Feb, 2021

Hour 1 – A Focus On The Broad Markets – US Dollar weakness and major trends to invest in heading into 2021

We are switching up the format of the weekend show for the next couple weeks. The first hour will be focused on broad market moves…

Sat 7 Nov, 2020

Wrapping up the markets – The fear trade is making a comeback

US markets are pulling back today while gold, the USD, and Yen are moving higher. This is a classic fear trade that could be picking…

Fri 1 May, 2020

US Markets and USD Falling While The Odd Couple Trade Is Breaking Out

There is a lot for us to chat about today when it comes to the US market and USD pullback and the odd couple trade…

Fri 21 Feb, 2020

A Look Into Currencies – USD, Euro, and Yen

Doc is with us today to dive into a couple currency charts. We stick to the larger currencies which include the USD, Euro, and Japanese…

Thu 24 Jan, 2019

Extended Market Wrap – US Markets, L-T Yields, Trade Wars, The Yen, and Chinese Rate Hikes

Chris Temple joins me to wrap up another interesting day in the markets. The markets closed at their lows for the day with the Dow…

Thu 22 Mar, 2018

A Warning Sign From The Yen And Shanghai Market

Sometimes we all get a little to focused on the US markets and data that we do not take into account what is happening around…

Thu 15 Feb, 2018

Are the recent swings in currencies leading to new trends?

Marc Chandler, Head of Global Currency Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman joined me today to assess if these recent trend changes in the USD and…

Wed 27 Sep, 2017

The Fed rate hike cycle and how this will impact the metals

Looking past the moves of yesterday we have a Fed meeting in less than a month where another rate hike is expected. With weak economic…

Thu 18 May, 2017

They Yen has been leading the metals lower

The Yen is the worst performing currency (to the USD) over the past month and silver has been down 16 days in a row. All…

Thu 11 May, 2017