

Nick Hodge – Focusing On Cycles And Time Frames For General Equities, Gold, Oil, And Commodities

Shad Marquitz
December 6, 2023

Nick Hodge, Co-Owner of Digest Publishing and editor of Foundational Profits and Hodge Family Office, joins us to review the importance of not getting hung up in calendrical time frames, but rather the cyclical time frames of various markets, whether general US equities, gold, oil, or the coming commodities supercycle.  Wall Street’s obsession with measuring year-to-date performance or quarterly benchmarks can distract investors from recognizing when the legitimate topping and bottoming periods occur in various markets, and when to rotate into and out of various sectors.


This is a wide-ranging conversation with Nick that gets into a number of macroeconomic data points that are important with regards to market expectations around Fed monetary policy, that continues to react to inflation, or jobs reports, or manufacturing data, or the strength of the consumer.  This all ties into the responses we see in bonds and interest rates, as well as moves in the US dollar.   These larger macro moves, in tandem with geopolitical tensions, have contributed to the moves in gold, oil, and the commodity sector at large; however, Nick sees a period coming where a contraction in the economy may hurt some commodities, while the realization that bad news is actually bad news may be a longer term sentiment driver into the precious metals and related resource stocks.




    Dec 06, 2023 06:15 PM

    Gold, Silver, and GDX Outlook After Turnaround Yesterday…

    Clive Maund – Tuesday, December 05, 2023

    “After a reversal day like we saw yesterday it is normal for some sort of correction to ensue and what is thought likely to happen is that gold and silver react back further in a zigzag pattern towards their positively aligned moving averages to the oval target areas drawn on their respective charts before they stabilize and turn higher again. However, the key point to keep in mind is that once gold succeeds in breaking above the key $2100 level it’s on and we just had a clear demonstration of how important this level is on Monday when the ‘big guns’ were brought in to stop it holding a breakout above this level – and they won’t be so successful in future.”

    “As for stocks, the GDX chart still looks strong with a genuine breakout from a Head-and-Shoulders bottom having occurred about a week ago that was on strong volume, driving its Accumulation line steeply higher. So it doesn’t look like they will react back much – GDX showed resilience and didn’t drop back by much yesterday considering the drop in the metals – so it is expected to drop back to the support shown and if it does drop back further into the base pattern it shouldn’t be by much before it stabilizes and turns higher again and any such drop will be viewed as presenting a great buying opportunity.”

    Dec 06, 2023 06:32 PM

    Bob Moriarty: We’re Nowhere Near The End Of This Rally

    Energy & Gold w/ Goldfinger – Dec 6th, 2023

    “With gold surging to a new all-time high above $2,100/oz, who better to speak with than 321gold founder Bob Moriarty? A few days before gold made it’s short-lived move above $2,100, Bob and I connected for an update conversation. Every year, in early December tax loss selling has a tendency to deliver a multitude of bargains across the junior mining sector. This year is no different, Bob and I discuss some of our favorite junior miners and Bob offers a bullish forecast for the junior mining sector. In his own words, we’re nowhere near the end of this rally in precious metals mining shares. Without further ado, Energy & Gold’s December 2023 conversation with Bob Moriarty….”

    Dec 06, 2023 06:11 PM

    The juniors are badly beaten up, I’m invested in a number of them but if the conventional market crashes it is important to have some cash because the mining companies will go down too, and then the bargains will be even greater. You might want to be invested but not fully invested. DT

    Dec 07, 2023 07:43 AM

    Like what I’m seeing going forward in some PM juniors. Not going to plug my own picks in this case but will say based on what I’m reading here I think most have forgotten about a nice safe jurisdiction that has support from friendly provincial govt and funding from big funds in the province. Talking Quebec and the abitibi region. Cheers.

      Dec 07, 2023 07:03 AM

      Goliath Gold notwithstanding as it’s been more of golden triangle story as far as what I’ve read but does have a play in abitibi as well

    Dec 07, 2023 07:24 AM

    We are no where near the start of this rally.