

Craig Hemke – Fedspectations Shift Post Powell Presser – All Eyes On The Jobs Number

Shad Marquitz
February 1, 2024

Craig Hemke, Founder and Editor of TF Metals Report, joins us to review the market volatility after the FOMC meeting and Jerome Powell’s press conference, noting the changes to the Fed expectations in the markets via the Fed funds futures.   We look at how the bid in bonds, and conversely the falling interest rates, have reversed the selloff from yesterday in today’s trading, giving a boost to US general equities as well as gold and silver. 


The key economic news on tap for tomorrow will be the health of the labor market as reported in the jobs number, and Craig weighs in the key areas to watch in the January number, as well as for anticipated revisions to Decembers number in the prior month.  We wrap up looking ahead to the key macro movers in the 7 weeks until the next Fed meeting in March.




Click here to visit Craig’s TF Metals Report website

    Feb 02, 2024 02:09 AM

    FREAKY FRIDAY AGAIN…………. Ground Hog Day…. lol…

    Feb 02, 2024 02:34 AM

    FREAKED OUT…………….. LOL………….JOBS NUMBERS…. 🙂 They all LIE….

    January Jobs Shocker: Payrolls Explode By 353K, Double The Expected And Higher Than All Estimate As Wages Surge

    Not only that, but while the US allegedly added 353K jobs, and employment dropped by 31K, full-time jobs actually declined by 63K and part-time jobs surged by 96K,

    Clearly none of that mattered to the BLS, however, which had just one mission: to make the Biden economy look double super good-good ahead of the November elections,
    ……….zerohedge article……………….

    Feb 02, 2024 02:43 AM

    Freaky Friday indeed. Especially for gold bugs. Looks like can buy more for less each passing day.

    Feb 02, 2024 02:23 PM

    $2000 and holding ,…is a good number going into 2024…. only going up…. Long Term….
    Bit coin.. in your wallet is going to evaporate,… when the computers go down…
    Way more sthf coming… World at War… in many parts of the globe… NWO is having a problem ,
    Europeans are not going to eat bugs…
    The US… is in deep doo doo…. Biden Plan is not cutting the mustard….

    But, I get your point…